Hydraulic Engineering
Flow in conduits or open channels, as well as in natural streams. Flow behavior in hydraulic works. Numerical simulation based on LES or RANS. Laboratory measurements in physical models.

Recent Publications:
  • Grigoridis, D.G.E., Balaras, E. and Dimas, A.A., 2009. «Large-Eddy Simulations of Unidirectional Water Flow Over Dunes». J. Geophysical Research, accepted.
  • Dimas, A.A., Fourniotis, N.T., Vouros, A. and Demetracopoulos, A.C., 2008. “Effect of Bed Dunes on Spatial Development of Open-Channel Flow”. J. Hydraulic Research (IAHR), 46, 802-813.
  • Yannopoulos, P.C., Demetracopoulos A.C., and Hadjitheodorou C., 2008, “Quick Method for Open-Channel Discharge Measurements Using Air Bubbles”. Hydr. Eng. (ASCE), 134(6).
  • Demetracopoulos A.C. and Hadjitheodorou C., 1996. “Seepage from Surface Canals by Boundary Element Method”. J. Irrig. Drainage Eng. (ASCE), 122(1).
