
Numerical simulation of runoff in watersheds (rainfall – runoff models). Impact of climate change on river basin hydrology. Storm analysis. Numerical simulation and field measurements.

Recent Publications:

  • Kaleris, V., D. Papanastasopoulos and G. Lagas, 2001: Case study on impact of atmospheric circulation changes on river basin hydrology: uncertainty aspects. Journal of Hydrology, 245/1-4, 137-152.
  • Yannopoulos, P.C., Manariotis, I.D., Ziogas, A.I and V.K. Kaleris (2007). “Methodology of River Pollution Assessment and Preliminary Results”. In Proc. of 32nd IAHR Congress “Harmonizing the Demand of Art and Nature in Hydraulics, eds. Giambolo di Silvio and Stefano Lanzoni, July 1-6, 2007, Venice, Italy, Theme A – Engineering and Management of Freshwater Systems, A1.c: Water Resources and River Basin Management, 059-O, pp. 307; 12 Pages in CD-ROM Proc.
